例句 |
agentsnounpl. of agent something used to achieve an endthe whitening agent in the detergent is chlorine bleach the Church has been the traditional agent for social justice in impoverished countries agencies, instrumentalities, instruments, machineries, means, mediums(or media), ministries, organs, vehicles determinants, expedients, factors, influences, ingredients, mechanisms, toolsweaponsactivators, animators, catalysts, drivers, energizers, executors, generators, impetuses, incentives, inspirations, instigations, instigators, launchers, movers, powers, stimuli, triggersantecedents, causes, occasions, reasonssubagencies(or sub-agencies), subagents(or sub-agents) a person who acts or does business for anotherthe sports agent negotiated a record-breaking contract for the baseball player assignees, attorneys, commissaries, delegates, deputies, envoys, factors, ministers, procurators, proxies, representatives, reps ambassadors, diplomatists, diplomats, emissaries, foreign ministers, legates, plenipotentiariesalternates, backups, pinch hitters, reliefs, replacements, stand-ins, subs, substitutes, surrogates, understudiesinformers, operatives, spiesbrokers, distributors, managersarbiters, arbitrators, compradors(or compradores), conciliators, go-betweens, intercessors, intermediaries, interposers, liaisons, mediators, middlemen, peacemakersmouthpieces, point men, point people, prophets, speakers, spokesmen, spokespeople a person sent on a mission to represent anotheran undercover agent of the Crown ambassadors, delegates, emissaries, envoys, legates, ministers, representatives ambassadressesattachés, chargés d'affaires, consuls, deputies, diplomats, foreign ministers, nuncios, procurators, proxiesapostles, evangelists, missionariesdeputations, detachments, legationscouriers, messengersmouthpieces, spokespeople a person who tries secretly to obtain information for one country in the territory of another usually unfriendly countryan agent feeding information about enemy troop movements assets, emissaries, intelligencers, moles, operatives, spies, spooks, undercovers courierscounterspies, double agents, sleepersinfiltrators, informers, stool pigeonsspymasters, superspies secret agents, undercover agents |