例句 |
agesnounpl. of age an extent of time associated with a particular person or thingthe Bronze Age marks the beginning of the use of metal by ancient peoples days, epochs, eras, periods, times cycles, generations, yearsbits, spaces, spans, spells, stretches, whilesdates, vintages a long or seemingly long period of timeit took ages for the clerk to ring up three items aeons(or eons), blue moons, coon's ages, cycles, donkey's years(chiefly British), eternities, forevers, longs, months, moons infinitieslifetimes flashes, instants, jiffies, minutes, moments, seconds, shakes, split seconds, trices, twinkles, twinklings, winksmicroseconds, nanoseconds agesverbpresent tense third-person singular of ageto become matureas your cat ages and becomes less active, you should change her diet develops, grows, grows up, matures, progresses, ripens mellows, softensblooms, blossoms, burgeons(also bourgeons), flourishes, flowersopens, unfoldsadvances, evolvesgets along, gets on, grays(also greys) decays, declines, degenerates, deteriorates, sinks, worsensdries, droops, fades, flags, sags, shrivels, wanes, wastes (away), weakens, wilts, withersregresses, retrogresses, revertsbackslides, lapses, returns |