例句 |
aggressionsnounpl. of aggression the act or action of setting upon with force or violencediplomats warned that any aggression by either side could easily turn into a full-scale war assaults, attacks, attempts, blitzes, blitzkriegs, charges, coups de main, descents, offenses(or offences), offensives, onsets, onslaughts, raids, rushes, strikes ambuscades, ambushescounteraggressions(or counter-aggressions), counterassaults(also counter-assaults), counterattacks(or counter-attacks), counteroffensives, counterstrikes(or counter-strikes)sallies, sortiesenvelopmentsbreakthroughs, forays, incursions, invasionspillages, ravages, sacksair raids, bombardments, bombingssieges, stormsbarrages, cannonades, fusillades, hails, salvos(or salvoes), volleyswhammies defenses, defensives, guards, shieldsoppositions, resistancesprotections, securities, shelters |