例句 |
aggrosnounpl. of aggroBritish something that is a source of irritationjust another aggro that commuters on the tube have to put up with aggravations, annoyances, botherations, bothers, bugbears, exasperations, frustrations, hair shirts, hassles, headaches, inconveniences, irks, irritants, nuisances, peeves, pests, rubs, ruffles, thorns, trials, vexations discomforts, fleabites, pinpricksaffronts, insults, offenses(or offences)upsets, worriesafflictions, albatross(or albatrosses), burdens, crosses, curses, menaces, millstones, plagues, soresanxieties, plights, predicaments, tribulations, troubleshang-ups, pet peeves, problemsannoyers, disturbers, harassers, mischiefs, offenderspandora's boxes delights, joys, pleasures |