例句 |
agingadjectiveor ageing being of advanced years and especially past middle agemore and more middle-aged adults must care for aging parents aged, ancient, elderly, geriatric, long-lived, old, older, over-the-hill, senescent, senior, unyoung centenarian, nonagenarian, octogenarian, septuagenarian, sexagenarianoldishadult, grown-up, mature, middle-agedpensioned, retired, superannuatedmatriarchal, patriarchal, venerableanile, decrepit, doddering, senile, spavined, totteryoverage(also overaged) long in the tooth, of a certain age young, youthful agelessyoungishadolescent, immature, juvenile, preteen, puerileminor, underagecallow, green, inexperienced, rawbabyish, childish, childlike, infantile, infantine, kiddish agingverbor ageingpresent participle of ageto become matureas your cat ages and becomes less active, you should change her diet developing, growing, growing up, maturing, progressing, ripening mellowing, softeningblooming, blossoming, burgeoning(also bourgeoning), flourishing, floweringopening, unfoldingadvancing, evolvinggetting along, getting on, graying(also greying) decaying, declining, degenerating, deteriorating, sinking, worseningdrooping, drying, fading, flagging, sagging, shriveling(or shrivelling), waning, wasting (away), weakening, wilting, witheringregressing, retrogressing, revertingbacksliding, lapsing, returning |