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energynoun a spiritual force that is held to emanate from or give animation to living beingsmany Eastern cultures believe in the significance of life energy in the healing process aura, chi(or ch'i also qi), ki, vibe(s), vibration(s) inner light, light, nature, orgone, soul, spiritélan vital, life, lifeblood, Shakti(also Sakti), world soulkarma, mana active strength of body or mindfor a woman of advanced years, she has remarkable energy beans, bounce, brio, dash, drive, dynamism, esprit, gas, get-up-and-go, ginger, go, gusto, hardihood, juice, life, moxie, oomph, pep, punch, sap, snap, starch, verve, vigor, vim, vinegar, vitality, zing, zip animal spirits, animation, briskness, jauntiness, liveliness, snappiness, spirit, spiritedness, sprightliness, spunk, spunkiness, vibrance, vibrancy, vivaciousness, vivacityardor, élan, fervor, fire, passion, zealmain, metal, mettle, might, muscle, potency, power, puissance, stamina, strengthbrawniness, fitness, hardiness, huskiness, sturdiness, virilityhealth, healthiness, soundness, verdure, wellness lethargy, listlessness, sluggishness, torpidity indolence, lazinessdebilitation, debility, delicacy, disablement, enfeeblement, faintness, feebleness, frailness, frailty, impotence, impotency, infirmity, powerlessness, puniness, slightness, softness, tenderness, weaknessenervation, exhaustion, inanition, prostration something with a usable capacity for doing worksome of the power needs of the house are provided by solar energy the ability to exert effort for the accomplishment of a taskI'm so tired that I don't think I have the energy to take another step firepower, force, horsepower, might, muscle, potence, potency, power, puissance, sinew, strength, vigor aptitude, capability, capacity, competence, competencyadequacy, effectiveness, effectualness, usefulness impotence, impotency, powerlessness, weakness disability, inability, inaptitude, incapability, incapableness, incapacity, incompetence, incompetencyineffectiveness, ineffectuality, ineffectualness, inefficaciousness, inefficacy, uselessnesshelplessness, paralysis power, force, energy, strength, might mean the ability to exert effort.power may imply latent or exerted physical, mental, or spiritual ability to act or be acted upon.the awesome power of flowing water force implies the actual effective exercise of power.used enough force to push the door open energy applies to power expended or capable of being transformed into work.a worker with boundless energy strength applies to the quality or property of a person or thing that makes possible the exertion of force or the withstanding of strain, pressure, or attack.use weight training to build your strength might implies great or overwhelming power or strength.the belief that might makes right in 1783 |