例句 |
remaindernoun a remaining group or portionthe remainder of the pills were saved in case they were needed later balance, leavings, leftovers, odds and ends, remains, remnant, residue, residuum, rest fragment, scrap, vestigebutt, oddment, scraping(s), stub, stumpexcess, fat, overabundance, overage, overflow, overkill, overmuch, oversupply, superabundance, superfluity, surfeit, surplus body, bulk, main, mass, most, weight an unused or unwanted piece or item typically of small size or valuethe remainder of the dough can be used to make a tartlet end, fag end, leftover, oddment, remnant, scrap, stub leavings, odds and ends, pickings, refuse, remains, residual, residue, scraping(s), stump, vestigebalance, restchip, flake, fragment, piece, sliver, splinterribbon(s), shred, tatter whole in the 14th century |