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renderverb to give (something) over to the control or possession of another usually under duressa gentleman bandit who graciously asked his victims to render their wallets to his safe possession cede, cough up, deliver, give up, hand over, lay down, relinquish, surrender, turn in, turn over, yield commit, consign, entrust(also intrust), transferforfeit, release, waiveabnegate, renounce, resignabandon, desert, discard, forsake, part (with), shed keep, retain, withhold to make an exact likeness ofrendered Thomas Jefferson's signature for use on an array of gift items clone, copy, copycat, duplicate, imitate, reduplicate, replicate, reproduce counterfeit, fake, forge, knock off, rip offmimic, simulatereconstruct, re-create originate create, imagine, initiate, invent to give a representation or account of in wordsthe witness convincingly rendered her version of events in just a few words delineate, depict, describe, draw, image, limn, paint, picture, portray, set out, sketch characterize, define, label, qualify, representdemonstrate, illustratenarrate, recite, recount, rehearse, relate, report, telldisplay, exhibit, showhint, suggestdraft, outline, silhouette, trace, vignettesummarize, sum up, touch offredescribe, reimage color, distort, falsify, garble, misdescribe, misrepresent, misstate, pervert, twist, warp in the 14th century |