

单词 rendering
例句 renderingnoun

a vivid representation in words of someone or somethinga poet's rendering of the euphoria experienced by lovers in the first blush of romance

definition, delineation, depiction, description, picture, portrait, portraiture, portrayal, sketch, vignette

account, anecdote, chronicle, narrative, report, story, tale, yarndemonstration, exemplification, illustrationclarification, elucidation, explanation, explication, exposition

renderingverbpresent participle of render

to give (something) over to the control or possession of another usually under duressa gentleman bandit who graciously asked his victims to render their wallets to his safe possession

ceding, coughing up, delivering, giving up, handing over, laying down, relinquishing, surrendering, turning in, turning over, yielding

committing, consigning, entrusting(also intrusting), transferringforfeiting, releasing, waivingabnegating, renouncing, resigningabandoning, deserting, discarding, forsaking, parting (with), shedding

keeping, retaining, withholding

to make an exact likeness ofrendered Thomas Jefferson's signature for use on an array of gift items

cloning, copycatting, copying, duplicating, imitating, reduplicating, replicating, reproducing

counterfeiting, faking, forging, knocking off, ripping offmimicking, simulatingreconstructing, re-creating(or recreating)


creating, imagining, initiating, inventing

to give a representation or account of in wordsthe witness convincingly rendered her version of events in just a few words

delineating, depicting, describing, drawing, imaging, limning, painting, picturing, portraying, setting out, sketching

characterizing, defining, labeling(or labelling), qualifying, representingdemonstrating, illustratingnarrating, reciting, recounting, rehearsing, relating, reporting, tellingdisplaying, exhibiting, showinghinting, suggestingdrafting, outlining, silhouetting, tracing, vignettingsummarizing, summing up, touching offredescribing, reimaging

coloring, distorting, falsifying, garbling, misdescribing, misrepresenting, misstating, perverting, twisting, warping





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