例句 |
agrees (on)verbpresent tense third-person singular of agree (on) to come to an agreement or decision concerning the details ofI'm sure we can all agree on what to do next arranges, decides, fixes, sets, settles contracts, pledges, promisesblueprints, calculates, charts, concerts, designs, drafts, frames, hammers out, intrigues, lays out, maneuvers, maps (out), plans, programs(also programmes), schematizes, schemes, shapes, squares away, works outchooses, concludes, determines, figures, opts, resolvesaffirms, approves, authorizes, clears, confirms, OKs(or okays), sanctions, warrantscloses, completes, ends, finalizes, finishes, rounds (off or out), winds up, wraps upbargains, chaffers, deals, dickers, haggles, horse-trades, negotiates disposes of aborts, calls, calls off, drops, recalls, repeals, rescinds, revokesdiffers (over), disagrees (with)counters, debates, objects, opposes, protests, resistscontests, disputes |