例句 |
agree (with)verb to give satisfaction toher new job, which is much less stressful than her old one, agrees with her content, delight, feast, gas(slang), glad(archaic), gladden, gratify, please, pleasure, rejoice, satisfy, suit, warm appease, mollify, pacify, placate, sootheassuage, quench, sate, satiateexcite, tickle, titillateamuse, divert, entertain, treatcaptivate, charmgalvanize, thrillcalm, comfortcater (to), humor, indulgecoddle, mollycoddle, pamper, spoil displease aggravate, annoy, bother, bug, chafe, cross, exasperate, gall, get, grate, irk, irritate, nettle, peeve, perturb, pique, put out, ruffle, vexanger, enrage, incense, inflame(also enflame), infuriate, madden, outrage, rankle, rile, roil, steam upprovoke, rouseagitate, distress, disturb, fret, upsetharass, harry, pesteraffront, insult, offend |