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alikeadjective having qualities in commonall the houses in the neighborhood are alike in that they all have a one-car garage and a fenced-in backyard akin, analogous, cognate, comparable, connate, correspondent, corresponding, ditto, like, matching, parallel, resemblant, resembling, similar, such, suchlike commensurate, proportionatetantamount, virtualallied, congeneric, congenerous, congenial, connatural, kin, kindred, relatable, relatedapproaching, approximating, close, coextensive, coincident, conformable, conforming, consistent, consonant, duplicate, equal, equivalent, fungible, identical, indistinguishable, interchangeable, me-too, redundant, same, selfsame, substitutable, synonymous, twinentire, homogeneous, homogenous, unchanging, uniform, unvaried, unvarying on the order of different, dissimilar, diverse, unakin, unlike disparate, distinct, distinguishable, nonequivalent, noninterchangeablevariable, varied, various, varyingimprecise, inaccurate, inexactunconnected, unrelated alikeadverbin like mannerregulations that are disapproved of by teachers and students alike also, correspondingly, ditto, likewise, similarly, so equally, equivalently, identically as well differently, dissimilarly, otherwise contrarily, conversely, inversely, oppositely, vice versadiversely, unequally, variously in the 14th century |