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all-aroundadjectivealso all-round not limited or specialized in application or purposean all-around garden rake that adjusts for any raking task, from raking lawns to delicate flower beds all-purpose, catholic, general, general-purpose, unlimited, unqualified, unrestricted, unspecialized mixed-use, multipurposebroad, widenonspecific, unspecified, vague limited, restricted, specialized, technical bounded, circumscribed, confined, definite, demarcated, determinate, finite, qualifieddedicated, selective relating to the main elements and not to specific detailsthis saw has the top rating for all-around performance, but for small detail work it might not be your best choice bird's-eye, broad, general, nonspecific, overall comprehensive, inclusiveabsolute, boundless, expansive, extensive, infinite, panoramic, sweeping, vast, wideindeterminate, nebulous, nondescript, vagueunlimited, unrestricted, unspecified close-up, delineated, detailed, molecular, particularized, specific limited, restricted, specifieddistinct, explicit, precise, sharpcomprehensive, elaborate, full, mapped (out), thoroughenumerated, inventoried, itemized, listedindividual, singularparticular, peculiar able to do many different kinds of thingsan all-around player, as skilled on the pitcher's mound as he is at the batting plate adaptable, protean, universal, versatile general-purpose, mixed-use, multipurposewell-roundedable, ace, adept, experienced, expert, masterful, proficient, skilled, skillfuladjustable, alterable, changeable, elastic, flexible, fluid, malleable, modifiable, plastic, pliable, pliant, supple, variable limitedamateur, inexperienced all aroundadverbwith everyone or everything taken into account at the same timeall around, she's our best athlete all told, altogether, collectedly, collectively, inclusively, overall, together broadly, generally, liberally, loosely, macroscopicallyall over, completely, comprehensively, encyclopedically, entirely, exhaustively, fully, sweepingly, thoroughly, totally, wholly across the board, all in all, in the aggregate, on the whole detailedly, microscopically, minutelyliterally, narrowly, restrictedly, strictlyalone, categorically, distinctly, exclusively, fractionally, individually, separately, singly, singularly, solely, solitarily, specifically in 1866 |