例句 |
all-embracingadjective covering everything or all important pointsan all-embracing explanation for the great diversity of life on the planet all-in(chiefly British), all-inclusive, broad-gauge(or broad-gauged), compendious, complete, comprehensive, cover-all, cyclopedic, embracive, encyclopedic, exhaustive, full, global, in-depth, inclusive, omnibus, panoramic, thorough, universal broad, catholic, encyclical, general, inclusionary, overallcosmic(also cosmical), extensive, far, far-reaching, grand, large, panoptic, sweeping, vast, wide, wide-rangingblanket, indiscriminate, unrestricted circumscribed, limited, narrow, restricted, specializedexact, preciseindividual, singular, specificincomplete, patchy, sketchy ca. 1600 |