例句 |
lowbrowsnounpl. of lowbrow a person who is chiefly interested in material comfort and is hostile or indifferent to art and culturethe town's lowbrows think that the school's music program is a complete waste of taxpayers' money materialists, philistines Babbittscapitalists, plutocratsbastards, boobs, boors, bounders, cads, chuffs, churls, clowns, creeps, cretins, cruds(slang), crumbs(slang), curs, dirtbags(slang), finks, heels, jerks, jokers, louses, louts, rat finks, rats, rotters, scumbags(slang), scums highbrowsmiddlebrowseggheads, intellectuals, sages, thinkersbrains, geniuses(or genii) |