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ensuingadjective being the one that comes immediately after anotherbusiness was slow in the restaurant's first year, but the ensuing year saw a much-needed increase coming, following, next, succeeding consecutive, sequential, successiveposterior, subsequentimmediatesecond on deck antecedent, foregoing, precedent, preceding, previous, prior anterior, formerpastlast being, occurring, or carried out at a time after something elsethe war and the ensuing famine caused unimaginable suffering after, later, posterior, subsequent behind, belated, delayed, late, slowclosing, concluding, eventual, final, last, latest, latter, terminal, ultimatefollowing antecedent, anterior, fore, foregoing, former, precedent, preceding, previous, prior advance, advanced, early, premature ensuingverbpresent participle of ensueto come at a later time; to happen as a resultWhen the news broke, a long period of chaos ensued. displacing, replacing, superseding, supplantingpostdating, succeeding, supervening antedating, following, preceding, predating |