例句 |
entangleverb to twist together into a usually confused massin the process of taking down the Christmas tree, we managed to entangle the string of lights into a hopeless mess of wires interlace, intertwine, intertwist, interweave, knot, snarl, tangle jumble, scrabble, scramblebraid, enlace, entwine, entwist, inweave, plait, twine, weave, wind, wreathe, writhe disentangle, unsnarl, untangle, untwine, untwist unknot, unravel, unscrambleunweave to catch or hold as if in a netthe young runaway gradually became entangled in a web of lies catch up, enmesh(also immesh), ensnare, ensnarl, entoil, entrap, mesh, net, snare, tangle, trap bag, birdlime, capture, collarembroil, implicate, involve, mire disentangle, untangle detach, disengage, extricateclear, free, liberate to make complex or difficultthe history of Alexander the Great is entangled by variant accounts of his exploits complex, complexify, complicate, embarrass, perplex, sophisticate develop, elaborate, expandintensify, magnifyconfound, confuse, mess (up), mix (up), muddlesnarl, tangle simplify, streamline abbreviate, cut, shortenease, facilitatedisentangle, straighten (out), unravel, untangleoversimplify in the 15th century |