例句 |
entitleverb to give a right tothe card entitles my grandmother to the discount for senior citizens authorize, privilege, qualify empower, enable, enfranchise, license(also licence)approve, endorse(also indorse)allow, let, permitaccredit, certificate, certify, charter(British), ratifylegitimize, sanction, validate, warrantreaccredit, reapprove, recertify, recharter, revalidate disqualify disable, disempower, disenfranchisedecertifydisallow, forbid, proscribedelegitimize, invalidate, nullify to give a name toapart from the obvious, she couldn't decide what to entitle her painting of a vase with flowers baptize, call, christen, clepe(archaic), denominate, designate, dub, label, name, nominate, style, term, title brand, stigmatize, tagdenote, specifymiscall, misname, mistitlecode-name, nicknamerechristen, relabel, renamesurname in the 14th century |