例句 |
envelopverb to close or shut in by or as if by barriersa chronic mistrust of outsiders envelops that neighborhood, cutting it off from the rest of the city box (in), cage, closet, coop (up), corral, encage, encase, enclose(also inclose), fence (in), hedge, hem (in), house, immure, include, mew (up), pen, wall (in) bound, circumscribe, confine, contain, limit, restrictencircle, encompass, enfold, enframe, enlace, frame, ring, surroundarmor, cocoon, encapsulate, encapsule, encyst, ensheathe, ensphere, enwomb to surround or cover closelythe truth of the presidential assassination is enveloped in a dense fog of myths and conspiracy theories bosom, bower, circumfuse, cocoon, embosom, embower, embrace, enclose(also inclose), encompass, enfold, enshroud, enswathe, enwrap, invest, involve, lap, mantle, muffle, shroud, swathe, veil, wrap curtain, drapeembed(also imbed), encaseswaddleblanket, overlay, overspreadcamouflage, cloak, disguise, maskcircle, encircle, enlace, enwind bare, denude, expose, strip in the 14th century |