例句 |
environspl. n. the districts adjacent to a citythe city and its environs total about a million in population an adjoining region or spaceyou can get just about any kind of ethnic food in the environs of the university backyard, neighborhood, purlieus, vicinage, vicinity environment, surround, surroundings the circumstances, conditions, or objects by which one is surroundedgrowing up in the environs of the big city endowed him with a certain urbanity ambient, atmosphere, climate, clime, context, contexture, environment, medium, milieu, mise-en-scène, setting, surround, surroundings, terrain location, place, position, spacebackdrop, backgroundelementsituation, statusgeography, habitatmicroenvironment environsverbpresent tense third-person singular of environto form a circle arounda decaying, impoverished city environed by affluent suburbs circles, compasses, embraces, encircles, encloses(also incloses), encompasses, girdles, girds, rings, surrounds, wreathes circumscribes, closes in, cordons (off), fences (in), hems (in), wallsbesets, besieges, entrenches(also intrenches), invests, swarms in 1665 |