例句 |
tiradenoun a long angry speech or scoldingafter the inspection by the health department, we had to listen to the manager's tirade about keeping the restaurant's kitchen cleaner diatribe, harangue, jeremiad, philippic, rant assault, attack, broadside, invective, lambasting, lashing, tongue-lashing, vituperationberating, chewing out, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reproofabuse, castigation, censure, condemnation, criticism, denunciationbelittlement, deprecation, depreciation, disparagement, dissingexcoriation, execration, revilementadmonishment, admonition, lecture, sermon encomium, eulogy, panegyric, rhapsody, tributeacclaim, acclamation, accolade, citation, homage, honor, praiseapproval, blessing, commendation, endorsement(also indorsement), sanctionovation, plaudit, rave in 1802 |