例句 |
tombsnounpl. of tomb a final resting place for a dead personexplored the historic graveyard and saw tombs that dated back two centuries burials, graves, sepulchres(or sepulchers), sepultures catacombs, charnels(also charnel houses), columbaria, crypts, mausoleums(or mausolea), vaultscemeteries, churchyards, graveyards, potter's fieldsbarrows, mounds, tumuli tombsverbpresent tense third-person singular of tombto place (a dead body) in the earth, a tomb, or the seaForest Lawn is where many of Tinseltown's immortals are tombed for all eternity buries, entombs, hearses, inhumes, inters, lays, puts away immures, inurnsenshrinesconceals, covers, ensconces, hidesobscures, shades, shieldscloaks, curtains, enshrouds, shroudsreburies, reinterscoffins disinters, exhumes, unearths burns, crematesbares, discloses, discovers, displays, exhibits, exposes, reveals, showsuncoffins |