例句 |
alliancenoun a formal agreement between two or more nations or peoplesthe smaller countries signed an alliance pledging to protect one another against the belligerent behemoth in their midst accord, compact, convention, covenant, pact, treaty entente, entente cordialebargain, bond, charter, concord, contract, deal, settlement, understandingprojet an association of persons, parties, or states for mutual assistance and protectionan alliance between the French and the Algonquians to check Iroquois advances into their territory axis, bloc, block, coalition, combination, combine, confederacy, confederation, federation, league, union cabal, conspiracy, juntocartel, syndicate, trustfaction, front, fusion, side, wingassociation, group, organizationaffiliation, cooperative, partnershipcircuit, conference the state of having shared interests or efforts (as in social or business matters)in alliance with booksellers, the nation's schools are promoting National Reading Month affiliation, association, collaboration, confederation, connection, cooperation, hookup, liaison, linkup, partnership, relation, relationship, tie-up, union business, dealings, interactionexchange, interconnection, interrelation, mutualism, reciprocity, symbiosisincorporation, integration, merger, unificationaffinity, attachment, closeness, intimacy, rapport, sympathykinship, oneness, solidarity, togetherness, unitycolleagueship, companionship, company, fellowshipbed, cahoots, league disaffiliation, dissociation breakup, dissolution, disuniondivision, parting, separation, severance, splitalienation, divorce, estrangement in the 13th century |