例句 |
allowancesnounpl. of allowance something belonging to, due to, or contributed by an individual member of a groupas the war progressed, each family's allowance of sugar and flour was reduced allotments, cuts, ends, parts, pieces, portions, proportions, quotas, shares, slices, takes lots, rationscommissions, percentagesmembers, partitions, sections, segments pieces of the action aggregates, composites, compounds, pools, sums, totalities, totalswholes the approval by someone in authority for the doing of somethingwithout the official allowance of the school board, no organization can hold its meetings on school property authorizations, clearances, concurrences, consents, green lights, leaves, licenses(or licences), permissions, sanctions, sufferances, warrants imprimaturs, seals, signatures, stampsaccreditations, certificationsliberties, passesconcessions, patents, permitstolerances, tolerationsacceptances, acquiescences, agreements, assents, OKs(or okays)accords, grants interdictions, prohibitions, proscriptions denials, refusals, rejections, revocationstaboos(also tabus)injunctions, vetoesdeterrences, discouragements, repressions, suppressionsbans, embargoes, exclusions |