例句 |
all-powerfuladjective having unlimited power or authoritythat country's monarch was never an all-powerful ruler, but one who shared power with a parliament almighty, omnipotent great, sovereign(also sovran), supreme, towering, transcendentauthoritative, chief, majestic, master, masterfulmighty, potent, powerful, puissant, strongdivine, godlikeable, capable, competent, effective, efficientmultitalented, omnicompetent, omnificentauthoritarian, autocratic(also autocratical), despotic, dictatorial, magisterial, tyrannical(also tyrannic) helpless, impotent, impuissant, powerlesslimited, restrictedhamstrung, handcuffed, high and dry, hog-tied, paralyzed, weakincapable, incompetent, ineffective, ineffectual, inept, unfit, uselessfeeble, frail, infirm in 1597 |