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arrangeverb to come to an agreement or decision concerning the details ofarrange a time for the meeting arrange money matters for your trip agree (on), decide, fix, set, settle contract, pledge, promiseblueprint, calculate, chart, concert, design, draft, frame, hammer out, intrigue, lay out, maneuver, map (out), plan, program(also programme), schematize, scheme, shape, square away, work outchoose, conclude, determine, figure, opt, resolveaffirm, approve, authorize, clear, confirm, OK(or okay), sanction, warrantclose, complete, end, finalize, finish, round (off or out), wind up, wrap upbargain, chaffer, deal, dicker, haggle, horse-trade, negotiate dispose of abort, call, call off, drop, recall, repeal, rescind, revokediffer (over), disagree (with)counter, debate, object, oppose, protest, resistcontest, dispute to put into a particular arrangementarrange the flowers so that the taller ones are at the center of the bouquet array, classify, codify, dispose, draw up, lay out, marshal(also marshall), order, organize, range, systematize groom, make up, spruce (up), straighten (up), tidy (up)unscramblealign(also aline), cue, line, line up, queuealphabetize, file, hierarchize, prioritize, sequenceemplace, place, setdisplay, map (out), set out derange, disarrange, disarray, disorder, mess (up), muss (up), rumple, upset to bring about through discussion and compromiseI'll arrange your free movie pass with the cinema's manager bargain, concert, conclude, negotiate settle (on or upon)chaffer, deal, dicker, haggle, horse-trade, palteragreecontract, covenantargue, debate, discuss, hammer out, hash (over), reason, talk, talk over, work outrenegotiate to work out the details of (something) in advancewe need to arrange our European vacation so that we can get the best deals blueprint, budget, calculate, chart, choreograph, design, frame, lay out, map (out), organize, plan, prepare, project, scheme (out), shape, strategize (about) conspire, contrive, devise, intrigue, machinate, plot, put upconcert, get updraft, outline, sketchaim, figure, have on, intend, meancontemplate, meditate, premeditate order, arrange, marshal, organize, systematize, methodize mean to put persons or things into their proper places in relation to each other.order suggests a straightening out so as to eliminate confusion.ordered her business affairs arrange implies a setting in sequence, relationship, or adjustment.arranged the files numerically marshal suggests gathering and arranging in preparation for a particular operation or effective use.marshaling the facts for argument organize implies arranging so that the whole aggregate works as a unit with each element having a proper function.organized the volunteers into teams systematize implies arranging according to a predetermined scheme.systematized billing procedures methodize suggests imposing an orderly procedure rather than a fixed scheme.methodizes every aspect of daily living in 1601 |