例句 |
madhousenoun a place where insane people are cared forit was hard to believe that this place with the bright cheery walls was really a madhouse a place of uproar or confusionour house is always a madhouse on school mornings, with five kids and two dogs running around babel, bedlam, circus, scrum(British), three-ring circus bustle, commotion, pandemonium, racket, ruckus, tumult, turmoilbrouhaha, clamor, clatter, din, hubbub, noisechaos, confusion, disarrangement, disarray, disorder, havoc, hell, mess, muss, shambles arcadia, heaven, paradise, utopiaorder, orderliness, organizationcalm, lull, peace, respitehush, quiet, silence, stillness in 1649 |