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miscuenoun an unintentional departure from truth or accuracythe slightest miscue could make the trapeze artist lose his grip and fall to the mat below blunder, bobble, boo-boo, boob(British), brick, clanger(British), clinker, error, fault, flub, fluff, fumble, gaff, gaffe, goof, inaccuracy, lapse, misstep, mistake, oversight, screwup, slip, slipup, stumble, trip bloomer, blooper, boner, howler, pratfallfoul-up, snafumisapprehension, miscalculation, miscomprehension, misconception, misconstruction, misdescription, misimpression, misinterpretation, misjudgment, misreading, misstatement, misunderstanding accuracy, correctness, exactitude, exactness, preciseness, precision, strictnessinerrancy, infallibility, perfection in 1838 |