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magnitudenoun the quality or state of being importantthe magnitude of the issue can scarcely be overstated account, consequence, import, importance, moment, momentousness, significance, weight, weightiness celebrity, distinction, eminence, fame, note, noteworthiness, notoriety, preeminence, prominence, renownstore, substance, substantiveness, value, worth, worthinessgravity, seriousnessauthority, control, dominion, mastery, potency, power, swaymark, name, report, reputation, reputecentrality, essentiality, essentialnesscachet, position, prestige, rank, standing, stature, statusglory, greatness, honor, illustriousness insignificance, littleness, puniness, slightness, smallness, triviality paltriness, pettiness, valuelessness, worthlessnessdiscredit, disgrace, dishonor, disrepute, ignominy, infamy, odium, opprobrium, shameanonymityobscurity the quality or state of being very largethe mountain's sheer magnitude usually leaves tourists speechless enormity, enormousness, giantism, gigantism, hugeness, immenseness, immensity, massiveness, prodigiousness, vastitude, vastness bigness, extensiveness, greatness, largeness, sizableness, voluminousness, weightinessawesomeness, grandness, stupendousness, tremendousnessboundlessness, limitlessnessampleness, capaciousness, commodiousness, spaciousnessexcessiveness, extravagance, extremeness, gaudiness, grandiosity, immoderacy diminutiveness, minuteness, tininess littleness, puniness, smallnesstriviality the total amount of measurable space or surface occupied by somethingthe magnitude of the planned skyscraper is totally disproportionate with that of the other buildings on the block bulk, dimension, extent, measure, measurement, proportion, size areacapaciousness, commodiousness, roominess, spaciousnessampleness, amplitude, bigness, bulkiness, enormousness, grandness, greatness, grossness, heftiness, hugeness, immenseness, immensity, largeness, mass, massiveness, monstrousness, stupendousness, tremendousness, vastness, volume, voluminousness in the 15th century |