例句 |
mailsnounpl. of mail communications or parcels sent or carried through the postal systembegan receiving lots of mail after he became known as a frequent donor to charities correspondences, matters, parcel posts, posts(chiefly British), snail mail airmails, airposts, certified mails, registered mails, rural deliveries, rural free deliveries, special deliveries, special handlingsdirect mails, junk mails, mailerscards, dispatches, epistles, letters, messages, missives, notes, postal cards, postcards, printed mattersbundles, packages, shipments mailsverbpresent tense third-person singular of mailto send through the postal systemif you don't mail that letter soon, it's going to arrive late posts airmails, franksaddresses, consignsdirects, dispatches, forwards, remits, routes, ships, transmits, transportsregisters gets, receives |