例句 |
repelsverbpresent tense third-person singular of repel to drive backthe defenders repelled the attacking army after several hours of fierce fighting beats off, fends (off), rebuts, repulses, staves off, turns away, turns back defies, fights, holds off, opposes, resists, stands off, withstandsdeflects, wards (off)rebuffs, snubs, spurns embraces, hails, welcomes to cause to feel disgustthe idea of chocolate-covered grasshoppers repels me disgusts, grosses out, nauseates, puts off, repulses, revolts, sickens, turns off displeases, distressesappalls(also appals), disquiets, horrifiesaffronts, insults, offends, outrages, shocks turns one's stomach allures, attracts, beguiles, bewitches, captivates, charms, disarms, draws, enchants, entices, fascinates, lures, pulls, seduces, temptsdelights, gratifies, pleases, rejoices, ticklesenraptures, enthralls(or enthrals), entrancesappeals (to), interests, intrigues to refuse to give in torepelled the temptation to stay out late and call in sick the next day bucks, defies, fights, opposes, resists, withstands battles, combats, contends (with)challenges, contests, contradicts, disputesbaffles, balks, foils, frustrates, thwartschecks, counters, hinders, obstructs, stems bows (to), capitulates (to), gives in (to), knuckles under (to), stoops (to), submits (to), succumbs (to), surrenders (to), yields (to) |