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reprehensibleadjective deserving reproach or blamea reprehensible tyrant, who oppressed his country for decades, has finally been brought to justice blamable, blameworthy, censurable, culpable, reproachable bad, guilty, sinful, wickedfoolish, irresponsible, recklessamerciable, chargeable, disciplinable, impeachable, indictable, punishablecriminal, illegal, illicit, unlawfulillegitimate, improper, wrongful at fault blameless, faultless, impeccable, irreproachable flawless, perfect, pureguiltless, innocent provoking or likely to provoke protestyour behavior towards the other team was truly reprehensible, so you're being suspended from the next three games censurable, exceptionable, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive unacceptable, undesirable, unwanted, unwelcomedisagreeable, displeasing, distasteful, unpleasantbad, execrable, lousy, miserable, terrible, unspeakable, wretchedatrocious, infamousabhorrent, disgusting, gross, loathsome, repellent(also repellant), repugnant, repulsive, revolting, sickening, sickish, vilenaughty, wickeddebasing, perverted, profaneoff, off-color(or off-colored), racy, salty, suggestiveindecent, indecorous, unbecomingearthy, unprintablebawdy, coarse, crude, dirty, filthy, foul, gross, lewd, nasty, obscene, smutty, vulgarblamable, blameworthy, lascivious, pornographic, ribald, scurrilous inoffensive, unobjectionable acceptable, agreeable, blessed(also blest), congenial, darling, delectable, delicious, delightful, delightsome, dreamy, dulcet, easy, enjoyable, felicitous, good, grateful, gratifying, nice, palatable, pleasant, pleasing, pleasurable, pretty, relishable, satisfying, welcomegoodapproved, endorsed(also indorsed), sanctionedabetted, encouraged, promoted, supportedbecoming, correct, decent, decorous, exemplary, proper, respectable, seemlyblameless, commendable, creditableimmaculate, perfect, pure, spotlesspolitically correct in the 14th century |