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representativesnounpl. of representative a person who acts or does business for anothera representative from the car dealership called to ask how we were enjoying the new car agents, assignees, attorneys, commissaries, delegates, deputies, envoys, factors, ministers, procurators, proxies, reps ambassadors, diplomatists, diplomats, emissaries, foreign ministers, legates, plenipotentiariesalternates, backups, pinch hitters, reliefs, replacements, stand-ins, subs, substitutes, surrogates, understudiesinformers, operatives, spiesbrokers, distributors, managersarbiters, arbitrators, compradors(or compradores), conciliators, go-betweens, intercessors, intermediaries, interposers, liaisons, mediators, middlemen, peacemakersmouthpieces, point men, point people, prophets, speakers, spokesmen, spokespeople a person sent on a mission to represent anotherI speak on this matter as a representative of the people of the U.S. agents, ambassadors, delegates, emissaries, envoys, legates, ministers ambassadressesattachés, chargés d'affaires, consuls, deputies, diplomats, foreign ministers, nuncios, procurators, proxiesapostles, evangelists, missionariesdeputations, detachments, legationscouriers, messengersmouthpieces, spokespeople one of a group or collection that shows what the whole is likethis song is a fairly good representative of the other songs on the album cases, examples, exemplars, exemplifications, illustrations, instances, prototypes, samples, specimens archetypes, classics, loci classici, paradigmscross sections, microcosmsevidences, indications, manifestations, signs cases in point |