例句 |
epiloguenounalso epilog a final section or speech after the main part of a book, play, or musical composition—sometimes used figurativelyThe main character's death was alluded to in the epilogue. His final years were a peaceful epilogue to a life of adventure. follow-up, sequelcapper, close, closing, conclusion, consummation, end, endgame, ending, finale, finis, finish, grand finale, homestretch, mop-up, windup, wrap-upafterword, appendix, codicil, excursus, supplementaftermath, anticlimax, coda, postlude, postscriptacme, apex, capstone, climax, copestone, coup de grâce(or coup de grace), crescendo, crown, culmination, high-water mark, meridian, peak, pinnacle, summit, tip-top, top, zenithshank, tag end, tail end foreword, introduction, overture, preamble, preface, prelude, prologue(also prolog)baseline, beginning, dawn, day one, nascence, nascency, opening, start in the 15th century |