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reprisenoun the act of saying or doing over againhis second marriage turned out to be a reprise of the first one: equally disastrous, simply shorter duplication, iteration, redo, reduplication, reiteration, renewal, repeat, repetition, replay, replication rebroadcast, rerunrecitation, rehearsal repriseverbto make into a short statement of the main points (as of a report)the prosecutor's closing statement effectively reprised the case against the defendant abstract, boil down, brief, digest, encapsulate, epitomize, outline, recap, recapitulate, sum up, summarize, synopsize, wrap up abridge, condense, curtail, cut back, shortendownsize, shrinkconcentrate, consolidatedecoct, essentializesimplify, streamline elongate, extend, lengthen, prolong, protractamplify, elaborate (on or upon), enlarge (on or upon), expand, supplement to make or do againlet us not reprise the stupid mistakes we made last time duplicate, redo, reduplicate, reiterate, remake, renew, repeat, replicate recreate, reenact, reinvent in the 15th century |