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ambushnoun a setup in which hidden attackers lie in waitrevolutionaries laid in ambush for the king along the route his carriage would travel ambuscade, ambushment, surprise(also surprize), trap assault, attack, charge, sallycapture, entrapment, mousetrap, snarehunting, stalking a device or scheme for capturing another by surprisethinking that he was getting into his assigned limousine, the diplomat did not realize that he was the victim of an ambush as he was being lured into his captor's car net, snare, trap, web enmeshment, entanglement, entrapment, envelopmentbooby trap, catch, hazard, land mine, pitfall, snagartifice, cheat, cheating, deception, double-dealing, duplicity, ploy, ruse, subterfuge, trick ambushverbto lie in wait for and attack by surprisethe king's enemies planned to ambush the royal coach on the way to Paris and capture the king ambuscade, surprise(also surprize), waylay assail, assault, attack, storm, strikejump, mug, pounce (on), tacklecharge, sallycapture, ensnare, entrap, mousetrap, net, snare, traphunt, prey (on or upon), stalk in the 14th century |