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analogousadjective having qualities in commonbad-mouthing your sister is analogous to slapping her in the face—it's just as bad akin, alike, cognate, comparable, connate, correspondent, corresponding, ditto, like, matching, parallel, resemblant, resembling, similar, such, suchlike commensurate, proportionatetantamount, virtualallied, congeneric, congenerous, congenial, connatural, kin, kindred, relatable, relatedapproaching, approximating, close, coextensive, coincident, conformable, conforming, consistent, consonant, duplicate, equal, equivalent, fungible, identical, indistinguishable, interchangeable, me-too, redundant, same, selfsame, substitutable, synonymous, twinentire, homogeneous, homogenous, unchanging, uniform, unvaried, unvarying on the order of different, dissimilar, diverse, unakin, unlike disparate, distinct, distinguishable, nonequivalent, noninterchangeablevariable, varied, various, varyingimprecise, inaccurate, inexactunconnected, unrelated similar, analogous, parallel mean closely resembling each other.similar implies the possibility of being mistaken for each other.all the houses in the development are similar analogous applies to things belonging in essentially different categories but nevertheless having many similarities.analogous political systems parallel suggests a marked likeness in the development of two things.the parallel careers of two movie stars in 1646 |