例句 |
analyzeverb to identify and examine the basic elements or parts of (something) especially for discovering interrelationshipsanalyze the park's ecosystem before deciding whether hunting should be allowed anatomize, assay, break down, cut, deconstruct, dissect assess, diagnose, evaluate, examine, inspect, investigate, scrutinizearrange, assort, catalog(or catalogue), categorize, classify, codify, diagram, enumerate, index, order, schematize, sort, tabulatedivide, reduce, segment, separate, subdivide agglomerate, aggregate, amalgamate, assimilate, coalesce, conglomerate, consolidate, integrate, synthesize, unify analyze, dissect, break down mean to divide a complex whole into its parts or elements.analyze suggests separating or distinguishing the component parts of something (such as a substance, a process, a situation) so as to discover its true nature or inner relationships.analyzed the collected data dissect suggests a searching analysis by laying bare parts or pieces for individual scrutiny.commentators dissected every word of the speech break down implies a reducing to simpler parts or divisions.break down the budget in 1587 |