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ancestornoun a person who is several generations earlier in an individual's line of descentBridie's Irish ancestors immigrated to the United States in the 19th century during the Great Potato Famine father, forebear(also forbear), forebearer, forefather, grandfather, primogenitor, progenitor antecessor, predecessor(archaic)ancestress, foremother, grandmother, matriarchgrandsire(archaic), patriarch, sire(archaic)ancestry, antecedents, roots descendant(also descendent) children, family, issue, lineage, offspring, posterity, progeny, seed, stockdaughter, heir, inheritor, scion, son, successor something belonging to an earlier time from which something else was later developedpinball machines—the ancestors of today's video games—go back to the 19th century antecedent, archetype, daddy, foregoer, forerunner, granddaddy(also grandaddy), precursor, predecessor, prototype model, originaloriginator, sirefather, mother descendant(also descendent) by-product, derivative, offshoot, outgrowth, spin-offdaughter, son in the 13th century |