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angelsnounpl. of angel an innocent or gentle personwould like to think that her child is a perfect angel doves, innocents, lambs, sheep babes, colts, cubs, fledglings, greenhorns, ingenues(or ingénues), naïfs(or naifs), newbies, tenderfeet(also tenderfoots), virginscherubs(or cherubim), saintsmollycoddles, sissies, softies, weaklings, wimpsdupes, pigeons, saps, suckers wolves bullies, roughnecks, rowdies, toughsbeasts, boors, cads, churls, clowns, creeps, cretins, curs, heels, jerks, jokers, louses, louts, slobssharks, skunks(also skunk), snakes, stinkersdevils, knaves, miscreants, no-goods, rapscallions, rascals, reprobates, rogues, scalawags(or scallywags), scamps, scoundrels, varlets, villains one that announces or indicates the later arrival of anotherlooking forward to seeing those red-breasted angels of the spring—robins foregoers, forerunners, harbingers, heralds, outriders, precursors foreboders, foreshadowers, foretastes, forewarningsadvertisers, announcers, blazoners, criers, proclaimerscouriers, messengers, runnersauguries, auspices, bodings, forebodings, foreshadowings, omens, portents, presagesmarks, signs, symptomsbellwethers one that helps another with gifts or moneyover the years the industrialist frequently served as the symphony orchestra's anonymous angel benefactors, donators, donors, fairy godmothers, Maecenases, patrons, sugar daddies benefactresses, patronessesalmoners, almsgivers, philanthropistsaltruists, bestowers, contributors, givershelpers, subscribers, supportersguardian angels, protectors, saviors(or saviours) beneficiaries, donees, giftees, recipients |