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totallyadverb to a full extent or degreeI am totally upset you can't make it to the celebration all, all of, all over, altogether, clean, completely, dead, enough, entire, entirely, even, exactly, fast, flat, full, fully, heartily, out, perfectly, plumb(chiefly dialect), quite, soundly, thoroughly, through and through, utterly, well, wholly, wide absolutely, categorically, cold, downright, hands down, plain, stone, stone-cold, unqualifiedlybasically, by and large, chiefly, generally, largely, mainly, more or less, mostly, overall, predominantly, predominately, primarily, principally, substantiallyabundantly, copiously, generously, greatly all the way, at length, down the line, down to the ground, for fair, in whole, to bits, to pieces, to the hilt, to the max half, halfway, incompletely, part, partially, partly barely, hardly, just, kind of, marginally, minimally, scarcely, slightly, superficiallyapproximately, roughly, somewhat with attention to all aspects or detailshe made totally sure the door was locked when he left the house completely, comprehensively, detailedly, exhaustively, fully, inside out, minutely, roundly, sweepingly, systematically, thoroughly, through and through meticulously, microscopicallyall-out, full blast, intensivelybroadly, encyclopedically, extensively, generally, globally, widelyconclusively, consummately, definitely, perfectly at length, from stem to stern, from the ground up, in detail aimlessly, desultorily, haphazardly, hit-or-miss, randomlycursorily, imperfectly, inadequately, narrowly, shallowly, sketchily, summarily, superficiallyindeterminately, nebulously, vaguely in 1509 |