例句 |
to the maxphrase to a full extent or degreeHe plans on enjoying his vacation to the max. all, all of, all over, altogether, clean, completely, dead, enough, entire, entirely, even, exactly, fast, flat, full, fully, heartily, out, perfectly, plumb(chiefly dialect), quite, soundly, thoroughly, through and through, totally, utterly, well, wholly, wide absolutely, categorically, cold, downright, hands down, plain, stone, stone-cold, unqualifiedlybasically, by and large, chiefly, generally, largely, mainly, more or less, mostly, overall, predominantly, predominately, primarily, principally, substantiallyabundantly, copiously, generously, greatly all the way, at length, down to the ground, for fair, in whole, to bits, to pieces, to the hilt half, halfway, incompletely, part, partially, partly barely, hardly, just, kind of, marginally, minimally, scarcely, slightly, superficiallyapproximately, roughly, somewhat |