例句 |
euphoniousadjective having a pleasantly flowing quality suggestive of musican opera singer with an appropriately euphonious name lyric, lyrical, mellifluent, mellifluous, mellow, melodic, melodious, musical dulcet, golden, sweet unlyrical disconnected, staccatodiscordant, dissonant, grating, harsh, inharmonious, jarring, strident, unmelodious, unmusical having a pleasing mixture of notesthe doorbell had a noticeably euphonious chime canorous, euphonic, harmonious, harmonizing, melodious, musical, symphonic, symphonious, tuneful blending, chiming, flowing, mellifluent, mellifluousdulcet, mellow, melodic, sweetechoing, resonant, sonorousquavering, trilling, warblingagreeable, appealing, pleasantcadenced, lilting, lyric, lyrical, rhythmic(or rhythmical), songful, songlikechordal, harmonic, homophonic, orchestral, polyphonic(or polyphonous), tonal discordant, disharmonious, dissonant, inharmonious, tuneless, unmelodious, unmusical blaring, clanging, clashing, clattering, grating, harsh, jangling, jarring, metallic, raspy, raucous, scratching, screeching, shrill, squeaky, stridentdisagreeable, unpleasant, unpleasingatonal, off-key in 1774 |