例句 |
eurythmicadjectiveor eurhythmic having the parts agreeably relatedthe ratio of the height of the temple's colonnade to the width of the entablature and pediment make for an eye-pleasing and eurythmic facade balanced, congruous, consonant, harmonic, harmonious even, proportioned, regular, symmetrical(or symmetric)aesthetic(also esthetic or aesthetical or esthetical), artistic, becoming, elegant, graceful, tastefulagreeable, felicitous, pleasant, pleasing, satisfyingcoherent, cohesive, compatible, coordinated, correspondent, matched, matchingApollinian, Apollonian disharmonic, disharmonious, incongruous, inharmonic, inharmonious, unbalanced asymmetrical(or asymmetric), disordered, irregular, skewed, unequal, uneven, unsymmetricaldistasteful, graceless, inartistic, inelegant, tasteless, unaesthetic, unbecoming, ungraceful, unlovelydisagreeable, displeasing, dissatisfying, infelicitous, unfortunate, unpleasant, unsightlyclashing, conflicting, disunited, incompatible, uncoordinated in 1855 |