例句 |
anonymitynoun the quality or state of being mostly or completely unknownoddly enough we like the anonymity of being a part of an enormous crowd facelessness, namelessness, nowhere, nowheresville, obscurity, silence oblivioninconspicuousness, invisibility, invisiblenessinsignificanceunpopularity celebrity, fame, notoriety, renown character, mark, name, note, rep(slang), report, reputation, reputefavor, popularityimportance, significancedistinction, eminence, glory, greatness, honor, illustriousness, note, preeminence, prominencemegastardom, superstardomcachet, kudos, position, prestige, rank, standing, statureacclaim, acknowledgment(or acknowledgement), praise, recognitionadoration, idolization in 1820 |