例句 |
anywayadverb in spite of everythingI know I really can't afford it, but I'm buying that new car anyway anyhow, anyways(chiefly dialect), regardless, whatever after all, however, neverthelessalways at all events, at any rate, in any case, in any event, no matter, whether or no(or whether or not) without definite aim, direction, rule, or methoddo it anyway you feel like aimlessly, anyhow, anywise, desultorily, erratically, haphazard, haphazardly, helter-skelter, hit or miss, irregularly, randomly, willy-nilly arbitrarily, capriciously, carelessly, casually, indiscriminately, informally, offhand, offhandedly, promiscuously, whimsicallyaccidentally, fortuitously, inadvertently, unconsciously, unintentionally, unwittinglydisconnectedly, disjointedly, fitfully, intermittently, spottily, unpredictablyhiggledy-piggledy, topsy-turvy at random methodically, systematically carefully, formally, gingerly, meticulously, orderly, punctiliouslydeliberately, intentionally, purposefully, purposely whatever else is done or is the casepack an extra sweater anyway, as you never know when you might end up needing it always, anyhow, leastways(dialect), leastwise at all events, at any rate, at least, in any case, in any event in the 14th century |