例句 |
apaceadverb with great speedthe end of another year is hastening apace briskly, chop-chop, double-quick, fast, fleetly, full tilt, hastily, hell-for-leather, hot, lickety-split, posthaste, presto, pronto, quick, quickly, rapidly, snappily, soon, speedily, swift, swiftly immediately, promptly, readilyimpetuously, impulsively, rashly, recklesslyabruptly, suddenlyenergetically, vigorously a mile a minute, at full throttle, at full tilt, by leaps and bounds, in a hurry, in short order, like a shot, like gangbusters, like wildfire slow, slowly laggardly, lingeringly, ploddingly, sluggishlydeliberately, leisurelybelatedly, delinquently, tardily in the 14th century |