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evenadjective being neither more nor less than a certain amount, number, or extentthe distance to town is an even mile exact, flat, precise, round approximate, comparative, near, relativeimprecise having a surface without bends, breaks, or irregularitieslet's find an even stretch of ground to pitch our tent flat, flush, level, plane, smooth exact, uniformaligned(also alined), regular, truehorizontal, tabularplumb, straight, vertical bumpy, coarse, lumpy, rough, uneven, unsmoothed inexact, irregular, unaligned, warpedundulating, undulatory, wavypitted, pockmarked, pocky resembling another in every respectthe armies of the two countries are fairly even coequal, duplicate, equal, identical, indistinguishable, same akin, alike, analogous, comparable, coordinate, correspondent, corresponding, equivalent, like, look-alike, matching, parallel, similar, such, suchlike, synonymous, tantamount much of a muchness different, disparate, dissimilar, distant, distinct, distinctive, distinguishable, diverse, nonidentical, other, unalike, unlike differentiable, discriminabledivers, miscellaneous, sundry, varied, various not varyingenergy demands do not stay even throughout the day but peak significantly during the afternoon hours invariant, steady, unchanging, undeviating, uniform, unvarying, unwavering fixed, immutable, invariable, set, unalterable, unchangeable changing, deviating, nonuniform, unsteady, varying evenadverbnot merely this but alsothe blue whale is a huge, even awesome animal by any measure indeed, nay, truly, verily, yea assuredly, certainly, decidedly, definitely, doubtless, incontestably, incontrovertibly, indisputably, positively, really, surely, undeniably, undoubtedly, unquestionably in fact, in reality, in truth to a full extent or degreeI will love you even to the end of time all, all of, all over, altogether, clean, completely, dead, enough, entire, entirely, exactly, fast, flat, full, fully, heartily, out, perfectly, plumb(chiefly dialect), quite, soundly, thoroughly, through and through, totally, utterly, well, wholly, wide absolutely, categorically, cold, downright, hands down, plain, stone, stone-cold, unqualifiedlybasically, by and large, chiefly, generally, largely, mainly, more or less, mostly, overall, predominantly, predominately, primarily, principally, substantiallyabundantly, copiously, generously, greatly all the way, at length, down the line, down to the ground, for fair, in whole, to bits, to pieces, to the hilt, to the max half, halfway, incompletely, part, partially, partly barely, hardly, just, kind of, marginally, minimally, scarcely, slightly, superficiallyapproximately, roughly, somewhat evenverbto make free from breaks, curves, or bumpseven the filling before adding the top layer of the cake flatten, level, plane, smooth, smoothen clip, crop, pare, prune, shave, trimlay, press, spreadcard, comb, rakesurface rough, roughen coarsen, rumple, wrinklebend, kinkdent, pit to make equal in amount, degree, or statusthe contention that producing more arms will even us with the enemy and therefore make us more secure balance, equalize, equate, level equilibrate, equipoiseaccommodate, adjust, compensate, fitcounterbalancehomogenize, normalize, regularize, standardizedemocratize disequilibrate adj.level, flat, plane, even, smooth mean having a surface without bends, curves, or irregularities.level applies to a horizontal surface that lies on a line parallel with the horizon.the vast prairies are nearly level flat applies to a surface devoid of noticeable curvatures, prominences, or depressions.the work surface must be flat plane applies to any real or imaginary flat surface in which a straight line between any two points on it lies wholly within that surface.the plane sides of a crystal even applies to a surface that is noticeably flat or level or to a line that is observably straight.trim the hedge so it is even smooth applies especially to a polished surface free of irregularities.a smooth skating rink before the 12th century |