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eventsnounpl. of event something that happensdinnertime was devoted to talking over the day's events, not to watching television affairs, circumstances, episodes, happenings, haps, incidents, occasions, occurrences, things coincidences, co-occurrences, flukes, freakslandmarks, mileposts, milestones, pages, phenomena(or phenomenons), turning pointsadventures, experiences, timeshappenchances, happenstancesaccidents, crises, emergencies, juncturesachievements, deeds, exploits, featsnews, tidings something that might happenin the event of rain, graduation ceremonies will be held indoors cases, contingences, contingencies, contingents, eventualities, possibilities probabilitiesaccidents, chances, haps, hazards, risks a competitive encounter between individuals or groups carried on for amusement, exercise, or in pursuit of a prizefigure skating is usually one of the most popular events in the winter Olympics bouts, competitions, contests, games, matches, matchups, meets, sweepstakes(also sweep-stake), tournaments, tourneys athletics, sportsbattles, conflicts, scrimmages, skirmishes, struggles, tugs-of-war, tussleschampionships, nationalsfinals, nightcaps, play-offs, semifinalsderbies, field days, gymkhanas, outingsbiathlons, decathlons, heptathlons, pentathlons, triathlonsmarathons, races, ultramarathonsheats, rounds, runs, setsrallies, volleysround-robins, rubbers, runoffs, sudden deathsdead heats, photo finishes, seesawsclassics a social gatheringthe mayor's evenings are often tied up with one event after another affairs, bashes, binges, blasts, blowouts, dos(or do's), fetes(or fêtes), functions, get-togethers, parties, powwows, receptions, shindigs benefits, fund-raisersballs, dances, formals, promscelebrations, galas, occasionsbacchanalia, bacchanals, orgies, saturnaliasbakes, clambakes, cocktail parties, hen parties, house parties, housewarmings, icebreakers, kaffeeklatsches, keggers(also keg parties), klatches(also klatsches), masquerades, meet and greets, mixers, salons, showers, socials, soirees(or soirées), stags, suppers, symposia(or symposiums), tea parties, teas |