

单词 evil
例句 eviladjective

causing or capable of causing harmdrank an evil potion

adverse, bad, baleful, baneful, damaging, dangerous, deleterious, detrimental, harmful, hurtful, ill, injurious, mischievous, nocuous, noxious, pernicious, prejudicial, wicked

hostile, inimical, unfriendlycontagious, deadly, infectious, infective, pestiferous, pestilent, pestilential, poisonous, venomousinsidious, menacing, ominous, sinister, threateninghazardous, imperiling(or imperilling), jeopardizing, parlous, perilous, risky, unsafe, unsoundnasty, noisome, unhealthful, unhealthy, unwholesomedestructive, fatal, killer, lethal, malignant, ruinous

anodyne, benign, harmless, hurtless, innocent, innocuous, inoffensive, safe

advantageous, beneficial, usefulfavorable, good, propitiouscurative, healthful, healthy, helpful, palliative, remedial, salubrious, salutary, wholesomesecure, soundbenignantnoncorrosive, nondestructive, nonfatal, noninfectious, nonlethal, nonpoisonous, nonpolluting, nontoxic, nonvenomous

not conforming to a high moral standard; morally unacceptabletheir evil deeds rank among the worst in history

bad, black, dark, immoral, iniquitous, nefarious, rotten, sinful, unethical, unlawful, unrighteous, unsavory, vicious, vile, villainous, wicked, wrong

base, contemptible, despicable, dirty, disreputable, evil-minded, ignoble, ill, infernal, low, mean, snide, sordidatrocious, cruel, infamous, nastyblamable, blameworthy, censurable, objectionable, obscene, offensive, reprehensiblecorrupt, debased, debauched, degenerate, depraved, dissolute, libertine, loose, low-minded, perverted, reprobate, scrofulous, sick, unhealthycursed(also curst), cussed, defiling, noxious, pernicious, pestilential, ugly, ungodly, unwholesomebanned, barred, condemned, discouraged, forbidden, illegal, interdicted, outlawed, prohibited, proscribed, unauthorized, uncleandisallowedexecrable, lousy, miserable, wretchederrant, erring, fallen, unprincipled, unscrupulousimproper, incorrect, indecent, indecorous, naughty, unbecoming, unseemly, vulgardishonest, dishonorable

decent, ethical, good, honest, honorable, just, moral, right, righteous, sublime, upright, virtuous

elevated, high, high-minded, law-abiding, legitimate, lofty, noble, principled, reputable, scrupulousallowed, authorized, legal, licensed, permissible, permittedapproved, endorsed(also indorsed), sanctionedabetted, encouraged, promoted, supportedclean, correct, decent, decorous, exemplary, proper, seemlyblameless, commendable, creditable, guiltless, legitimatechaste, immaculate, incorruptible, innocent, inoffensive, irreproachable, lily-white, perfect, pure, spotless, squeaky-clean, uncorrupted, unerring, unfallen, unobjectionable, venerable, white, wholesomeesteemed, respected, upstanding, worthy

causing intense displeasure, disgust, or resentmentshe refused to eat olives or anything which had their evil flavor

abhorrent, abominable, appalling, awful, disgusting, distasteful, dreadful, foul, fulsome, gross, hideous, horrendous, horrible, horrid, loathsome, nasty, nauseating, nauseous, noisome, noxious, obnoxious, obscene, odious, offensive, rancid, repellent(also repellant), repugnant, repulsive, revolting, scandalous, shocking, sickening, ugly

exceptionable, objectionablebrackish, disagreeable, dislikable(also dislikeable), unpleasantcontemptible, despicable, detestable, hard, hatefulunhealthy, unsavory, unwholesomeexecrable, lousy, miserableatrocious, frightful, ghastly, grim, grisly, gruesome(also grewsome), heinous, horrific, horrifying, lurid, macabre, monstrous, nightmarish, sick, sickish, sickly, terrible, unspeakable, vileoff-putting, undesirable, unwanted, unwelcomebarbarous, unchristian, uncivilized, ungodly, unholydistressing, disturbing, upsetting

innocuous, inoffensive

acceptable, agreeable, alluring, appealing, attractive, blessed(also blest), congenial, darling, delectable, delicious, delightful, delightsome, desirable, dreamy, dulcet, enjoyable, felicitous, gratifying, heavenly, inviting, likable(or likeable), luscious, nice, palatable, pleasant, pleasing, pleasurable, satisfying, savory(also savoury), sweet, welcomeunexceptionable, unobjectionablehealthful, healthy, restorative, salubrious, salutary, wholesome


that which is morally unacceptableour free will allows us to choose between good and evil

bad, evildoing, ill, immorality, iniquity, sin, villainy, wrong

atrociousness, atrocity, badness, balefulness, darkness, depravedness, devilishness, diabolism, enormity, evilness, heinousness, iniquitousness, satanism, sinfulness, vileness, wickednessdevilry(or deviltry), fiendishnesscancer, canker, decay, rot, squalorcorruption, debauchery, degeneracy, depravity, indecency, malefaction, perversion, pervertedness, scurrility, scurrilousnessabomination, anathema, taboo(also tabu)

good, morality, right, virtue

decency, goodness, honesty, integrity, probity, rectitude, uprightnessgoodness, righteousness, virtuousness

before the 12th century





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